Omar Wala, a once-aspirant Florida International University student who made a fortune by importing the infamous club drug Molly from China, has unexpectedly found himself embroiled...
Stripe is a US-based payment startup that has been making headlines all over the world with its latest fundraiser. In the latest rounds of funding, the...
Tata group has recently invested in Pritish Nandy Communications (PNC). Founded by poet and journalist Pritish Nandy, a Mumbai-based media and entertainment company, PNC went public...
As the race to gain the maximum market share and become the biggest domestic gaming brand, Nazara Technologies is set to open its IPO on 17th...
One of India’s most prominent hospitality industry players, OYO Hotels & Homes, is planning to walk away from its loss-taking and unviable services, including OYO Homes....
What comes as the second acquisition in two weeks, VerSe Innovation has acquired the photo and video sharing app Vebbler after it took over Cognirel Technologies,...
Captain Fresh is a Bengaluru-based startup founded in April 2019 by an ex-investment banker, Utham Gowda. Later in August 2019, it raised $2.3 Mn in its...
One of the largest platforms for pre-owned vehicles and equipment, Shriram Automall India Ltd. has launched its online tool, “ThePriceX” this Tuesday. The company has developed...
Riskcovry, an insurance-tech startup that provides a digital platform for the distribution of insurance products, has announced a $5 million Series-A financing round led by Omidyar...
Pranay Jivrajka, one of the founding members of OLA and the former CEO of OLA foods, has left the company. In respect of Pranay Jivrajka, an...